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The media loves to put fear into everything…
‘Fear mongering’ is a form of manipulation where the goal is to make someone feel afraid of a possible danger. This fear can motivate people to buy compulsively and act irrationally.
We hate fear mongering, especially when it comes to emergency preparedness. It causes people to prepare for the wrong things!
It’s difficult to avoid falling for the hype you see in the media — threats of food shortages, conspiracy theories, etc. Sometimes these things are true; sometimes they are not. Don’t allow fear mongering to distract you from your goals. Prepping is about setting priorities and slowly working towards self reliance. Prepping is not a one-time activity.
It’s true that talking about ‘prepping’ in general can arouse a sense of fear. However, prepping out of fear can lead you to make some bad decisions:
- Going into debt for food storage and other prepping items
- Spending money on things you don’t really need.
- Pressuring others to prep and spreading unnecessary fear.
- Forgetting that God is in control of everything!
Yes, prepping is a way to protect your family during times of a crisis, and it is something you should do, but it is not something you should worry about to the extent that it gives you anxiety. You should never prep out of fear!
Fear mongering is a tactic we try not to use here at Priority Prepper. We want people to get prepared because it is a smart thing to do!
It’s impossible to prepare for every possible thing that could go wrong, but you can do your best to educate yourself so that you can make smart decisions when faced with an emergency. Even small steps towards emergency preparedness can make a huge difference in your family’s life.
If you agree with our thoughts about fear and emergency preparedness, we’d love for you to join our Facebook group. We need like-minded individuals to share what they are working on and help others in a prepping community where fear mongering is not allowed. Come like and follow our page HERE!