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72-Hour Kits are known by many names — BOB, Bug Out Bag, GOOD Bag (get out of dodge), PERK Bag (personal emergency relocation kit), Go Bag, Battle Box, Grab Bag, and more.
It doesn’t really matter what you call it… The purpose is the same.
A ‘72-Hour Kit’ is basically a kit that contains everything you’d need to survive for three days when evacuating your home because of a disaster. It includes food, water, clothing, and survival gear.
In many disaster situations, you actually won’t need a 72-hour kit. It is only for when you need to leave your home. For example, during an earthquake, you’d likely stay at home, or near it, because you’d still have access to most of your food, unless it gets destroyed.
Prepare Your 72-Hour Kit in Advance
You prepare a 72-hour kit in advance so it’s ready and accessible at ALL times.
You never know when a disaster will happen. Having a 72-hour kit prepared enables you to quickly leave without wasting valuable time scrambling around your home to get things ready. That means you can be one of the first families on the road.
You can buy a ready-made 72-hour kit… It’s not the best choice, but it’s better than nothing. The best one we’ve seen is from Survival Frog.

Making a 72-hour kit from scratch is better because you can tailor it to your specific needs.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with starting with a ready-made bug out bag and then adding to it.
Assembling a 72-hour kit can be a daunting task, but we can help. Join Priority Prepper’s Facebook Page. We try to post deals and promotional codes on 72-hour kit items when we find them.
72-Hour Kits Require an Investment of Time and Money
A lot of the items you’ll want to put in your 72-hour kit can be found for free around your home. However, there are a few things you’ll want to purchase specifically for your bag, such as a flashlight, an emergency weather radio, and a survival knife.
These items vary widely in price, depending on what you want, but it is money well spent. You’ll be happy you made the investment if you ever find yourself in an emergency evacuation situation.
Visit Priority Prepper’s Shop to see some items we suggest you buy for your 72-hour kit. We only recommend items that we personally own and use.
In addition to the money, you’ll also need to spend time every six months or so making sure your 72-hour kit is up to date. This involves swapping out expired food, making sure your clothing still fits, and checking your gear.
Sign up for our email list and we’ll send you a reminder every six months when it’s time to update your 72-hour kit!
Preparing a 72-hour kit for each member of your family provides tremendous peace of mind. It’s an activity that is well worth the effort, even though we hope you’ll never need to use it.