Why You Need to Put a Family Photo in Your 72-Hour Kit

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If your child ever gets lost or separated from you, a family photo becomes invaluable! You can use it to show people what your child looks like so they can help you find him or her. That’s the biggest reason to put a family photo in your 72-hour kit.

A family photo can come in handy in other situations, as well. For example, if you were to get separated from your child, and then get reunited later, you may have to prove your child actually belongs to you. This is most easily accomplished by showing a family photo with your child in it. A family photo is especially useful if you have very young children who are not yet verbal. Plus, your child could be injured or incoherent, for some reason, and unable to confirm you are his or her parent.

You should also create emergency ID cards for each member of your family for your 72-hour kits. These ID cards should show important medical information/allergies, as well as identifying features, such as height, weight, hair color, eye color, etc.

You can download an Emergency ID Card template from our shop:

Keeping a family picture on your phone will work, but a paper copy is better because during a disaster it’s not always possible to keep your phone charged.

If you don’t have a family photo in your 72-hour kit, stop right now and get one!

Related Note: Make it a habit of snapping a photo of your child/family whenever you go someplace where it’s possible to get separated. For example, if you go to an amusement park, take a quick family photo at the entrance of the venue. Then, if your child gets lost, you’ll have a current photo to help the authorities locate him or her. Don’t assume this situation will never happen to you — there are all sorts of reasons you could get separated from your child.