Survival Tools to Pack in Your 72-Hour Kit

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Food, water, and clothing are the most important items to pack in your 72-hour kit, but survival tools can come in handy. This post is all about equipping yourself with the best tools and gear to survive a disaster.

It’s impossible to prepare for every possible situation, but you can certainly prepare for a lot of them with the right tools!

Must-Have Survival Tools

We recommend choosing survival tools that are small enough to carry and that serve multiple purposes. You don’t want to add unnecessary weight to your pack.

We think everyone should pack the following tools in their 72-hour kit:

  • Pocketknife: You never know when you’ll need to cut something. A pocketknife is a versatile tool that can even be used for self-defense.
  • Multitool: Packing a screwdriver, hammer, pliers, wire cutter, and other common household tools would weigh too much in your 72-hour kit. A multitool combines the most common tools into one compact device.
  • Rope/Paracord: You can use paracord to build a makeshift shelter, hold items together, and so much more. Some paracord can even be used as tinder for fires.
  • Work Gloves: Injuries and disasters are a bad combination. With some gloves you can protect your hands and grip items better if you need to do some work.
  • Duct Tape: So many uses… Will hold almost anything together.

If you’re thinking of adding some of these survival tools to your 72-hour kit, you can buy a lot of them in a set:

Other Survival Tools and Gear to Consider

It’s easy to get carried away with survival tools for your 72-hour kit. Be careful not to add too much weight to your pack. You’ll have to look at your individual situation and choose what works best for you and your family.

Here are some additional tools that could be useful in your 72-hour kit:

Also Read: A Fantastic Power Solution for Your 72-Hour Kit

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