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Every member of your family should have a 72-hour kit. That includes babies!
You’ll be surprised by how much you need to pack for your little ones… Dealing with a baby during an emergency will be hard, but you can make it more manageable with a well-thought-out 72-hour kit.
Feeding Supplies
Babies are high maintenance with special dietary concerns. Therefore, the most important thing to pack in a 72-hour kit for your baby is food. Some babies are exclusively breastfed while others have graduated to finger foods — you’ll need to plan for the specific needs of your baby.
Here is a general list of feeding supplies to pack:
- 1 can of baby formula (It’s a good idea to include this as a backup for breastfed babies, too. A mother’s milk supply can be affected by her emotional state.)
- 2 baby bottles with the appropriate size nipples
- 3-6 burp rags
- 2 pacifiers
- Baby food for 3 days (Avoid glass jars because they have a higher risk of breaking.)
- Nipple cream (if applicable)
- Nusing pads (if applicable)
Note: If your baby is formula-fed, we suggest packing a small camp stove so you can sanitize water and warm up baby formula.
Diapering Supplies
On average, babies go through 8-10 diapers a day. That means you’ll need approximately 30 diapers in your baby’s 72-hour kit. Of course, we realize this might be an excessive amount for some babies.
Note: We don’t recommend putting cloth diapers in your baby’s 72-hour kit because of the cleaning hassle. However, it is a good idea to have some cloth diapers on hand at home, with a waterproof diaper cover, for general emergency preparedness. There could come a time when you can’t run out and buy more diapers from the store.
You’ll also want a diaper changing pad, some diaper cream, and plenty of baby wipes. We suggest getting two packs of 100 wipes. You can use them for things other than diaper changes.
Here is a list of diapering supplies for your baby’s 72-hour kit:
- 30 diapers in your baby’s size
- Diaper changing pad
- Diaper rash cream
- 200 baby wipes
- Ziplock bags to dispose of dirty diapers
- Hand sanitizer
Clothing and Warmth
Babies are unpredictable. They go through a lot more clothes than adults. We recommend packing 4-5 changes of clothes in your baby’s 72-hour kit so you’re ready for vomit and diaper blowouts. Don’t forget to also include socks!
One of the hardest things about planning a 72-hour kit for a baby is that babies grow so fast. You need to swap out the clothes in their kit more frequently than every six months for the first few years of their life. However, you don’t need to go out and buy a bunch of new stuff.
Make sure to also pack 2-3 receiving blankets, especially for very young babies who like to be swaddled. An emergency blanket can also be added for extra warmth. It retains heat better than a receiving blanket and you can use it as a layer.
Here is a list of clothing and warmth items for your baby’s 72-hour kit:
- 4-5 onesies or outfits
- Extra socks
- 2-3 receiving blankets
- Mylar emergency blanket
Other Baby Supplies
When creating a 72-hour kit for your baby, it’s important to realize that they can’t carry anything themselves. They might not even be able to walk yet! You’ll want to pack a baby carrier or wrap for very small babies.
Using a regular backpack for your baby’s 72-hour kit will work, but you’ll have to carry it in addition to your own. We suggest using a folding wagon or a stroller to help you carry everything.
Here are some other supplies to pack in your baby’s 72-hour kit:
- Baby carrier or wrap
- Baby first-aid kit
- Baby medicines
- Travel-size baby shampoo and lotion
- Baby toys for distraction
- Emergency ID card
Note: When your child is too young to provide information about themselves, an Emergency ID card is crucial. You can download a FREE Emergency ID Template from our website.
If you are expecting a baby, create a 72-hour kit as part of your nesting activities. It will make you feel so much more prepared! Besides, once baby gets here, it will probably slip your mind.
Babies are the neediest members of the family. They are completely dependent on others for their survival. Take extra care to ensure your baby’s needs can be met with a 72-hour kit. Is there anything we left off the list? Let us know in the comments below.