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Creating a 72-hour kit isn’t something you can do once and then forget about it. We recommend revisiting your kit every six months to make sure it still suits your needs.
When was the last time you actually opened up your 72-hour kit?
It’s easy to forget about your 72-hour kit if you don’t schedule a time to revise it throughout the year. Mark a date on your calendar to do it! Some people use Daylight Saving Time as a reminder.
What Needs to Be Revised?
Only a few items in your 72-hour kit need to be rotated out every six months. The most important is food and water. However, you can stretch this out a bit, depending on what you pack. For example, some freeze-dried meals have a shelf life of 10 years or more. Plus, you can get emergency water pouches that last about 5 years.
Also Read: 72-Hour Kit Food (Sample Menu)
In addition to food and water, rotate out medicine, batteries, and outdated documents. If you have a grab-and-go binder, make sure everything is up to date in there, too.
Children can grow a lot in a 6-month timeframe. If you have children, you’ll need to check the clothing you packed for them to make sure it still fits. You may want to do the same for yourself if you’ve fluctuated in weight.
Lastly, the tools and equipment in your 72-hour kit should be inspected and tested to make sure they are still in good shape. The whole process shouldn’t take you more than an hour.
If you can’t remember the last time you revised your 72-hour kit, go pull it out today. We hope you never have to use your kit, but you’ll be glad you prepared it if a disaster ever does happen.
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