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This post is not an anti-gun piece. If you want to carry a gun, that is your choice and a right you have in the United States (as of 2021). However, a gun is not the only self-defense option out there.
There are all sorts of reasons why someone might not want to carry a gun… If you fit in that category, for whatever reason, I suggest you check out the LifeShield® Self Defense Kit. It provides you with some non-lethal tools that you can carry wherever you go for self defense.
Introducing the LifeShield® Self Defense Kit
Survival Frog’s LifeShield® Self Defense Kit contains three life-saving tools in a compact carrying case:
- Pepper Spray Gel
- Stun Gun
- Personal Alarm
All of the tools in this self-defense kit are easy to use without any training. They are designed to be non-lethal, yet powerful enough to give you time to escape from an attacker.
Please Note: Most states allow you to carry the self-defense tools in this kit, but stun guns have been outlawed in a few places. Check your current state laws to make sure you wouldn’t be breaking any laws by carrying one. The personal alarm and pepper spray shouldn’t be a problem anywhere.
LifeShield® Stun Gun
This stun gun delivers a powerful electric pulse that causes intense pain in the recipient. It can be used to temporarily immobilize an attacker. The LifeShield® Stun Gun is typically classified as “less than lethal” and not intended to cause permanent damage. (See product description for full disclosure.)
Built into the LifeShield® Stun Gun is a powerful flashlight for added security in the dark. It is easy to charge and comes with a small carrying bag that can be attached to a belt loop.
How the LifeShield® Stun Gun Works
- Safety Mode: When stored, this stun gun has a safety mode engaged to keep the carrier safe, but the stun gun can be quickly activated when needed.
- Intimidation Mode: You can activate the stun gun without touching the attacker for an intense electrical sound. This can be enough to scare an attacker away.
- Quick Shock Mode: If you need to inflict a little pain, you can activate the LifeShield® Stun Gun for 1-2 seconds. This gives a quick, yet powerful shock that is intense.
- Defense Mode: If you need to completely knockdown an attacker, you can activate the stun gun for 5-10 seconds. This is powerful enough to completely disable an attacker, cause involuntary muscle control, mental confusion, and loss of balance. It should only be used in dire situations.
Get Your LifeShield® Self Defense Kit Today!
LifeShield® Pepper Gel Spray
Lots of people carry pepper spray for self defense. It is less dangerous than a stun gun, but still effective at deterring attackers. It can stick to an attacker’s face and cause temporary blindness for up to 45 minutes. Pepper spray gel also causes pain by burning the eyes, mouth, nose, and throat.
LifeShield® Pepper Gel Spray is not your typical pepper spray! The “gel” formula prevents blowback in windy conditions to protect you. Plus, it can reach up to 10 feet away.
LifeShield® Personal Alarm
In addition to a stun gun and pepper gel spray, the LifeShield® Self Defense Kit comes with a personal alarm keychain. This little, pill-shaped device is CRAZY LOUD. When the pin is pulled, the personal alarm delivers a 120-decibel siren that will cause immediate attention and disorient an attacker. To stop the sound, simply reinsert the pin.
We like to hope we’ll never need to defend ourselves, but it’s nice to be prepared. If you don’t want to carry a gun, you may still want to arm yourself with other self-defense tools. The LifeShield® Self Defense Kit from Survival Frog is a good option.
Get Your LifeShield® Self Defense Kit Today!
Warning: The LifeShield® Self Defense Kit is not a toy. Keep it out of reach of children and read all the safety instructions before use. Precautions should always be taken to ensure safety. While these self-defense products are not intended to be lethal, they can cause serious harm and should only be used in extreme circumstances. The user is responsible for all damages.
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