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We spend a good deal of time discussing bug out bags here at PriorityPrepper.com… After all, we believe preparing for emergencies is an important task for everyone! However, we are so tired of people spreading misinformation about post-disaster survival situations.
It’s easy to get caught up in fantasy-world scenarios about bugging out — they’ve become commonplace in movies. The problem is that these extreme disaster situations give people unrealistic expectations about how to survive or what they could actually encounter. You’ve probably even heard people say that bug out bags are only for extremists who have grand plans of disappearing in the woods at the first sign of collapse.
Here’s the truth…
It’s impossible to prepare for every possible situation, and most people wouldn’t last long in a wilderness survival situation. Most would have a mental break down the very first day! Plus, most people are not in good enough shape to walk more than a few miles without fatigue, especially when carrying a bag of supplies.
This extreme bug out scenario is NOT PRACTICAL!
Even if you do have the physical stamina to survive for several days in a wilderness setting on your own, one ankle sprain or injury will crush your bug out goals. If you have dependents, your chances of survival go down even more dramatically…
You’d need divine intervention to survive a post-disaster situation on foot in the woods…
The REAL Purpose of the Infamous Bug Out Bag
The bug out bag was never meant to be a long-term solution to survival! In reality, it is just a bag with food, clothes, and tools to help you get to a safe location within 72 hours (3 days). Some people like to stretch it to 96 hours or even 120 hours — the choice is yours.
Everyone needs a bug out bag or 72-hour kit. EVERYONE!
We prefer to refer to this evacuation bag as a “72-hour kit.” The term, “Bug Out Bag,” makes people’s minds wander to unrealistic fantasy situations. This can lead to overwhelm and lack of action. Building an evacuation bag is not too big of a task if you simply imagine you’re packing for a three-day camping trip!
We want to help you set realistic goals for your 72-hour kit while avoiding the trap of sensationalism. If you’re ready to get started, head over to our Ultimate 72-Hour Kit Checklist.
When you think about it like this, building a bug out bag doesn’t seem like such an impossible task.
Do you know someone who needs to hear this? Help us spread the word about 72-hour kits and disaster preparedness by sharing this post on Facebook.